

           It's been little warm here in Finland. Last week most of days the temperature was around 1-4C, so I felt I don't need to have a thick face cover any more when I went out. I also noticed the bird started singing again after for a while. I did not hear on December and January at all. Now even early morning during going to school I am hearing Great tit's song (teacher, teacher...that people hear their song in Finland, my bird instructor Suvi told me, and I agree)
Today with my bird instructor in Finland who I was introduced from one of University Professor we went to bird watching near the lake, Hatanpää arboretum. The area was very familiar to me now after so many times walking around for exercise along the lake shore.
In the arboretum there are bird feeders where many birds coming. Suvi pointed many birds I did not recognized their names such as Blue tits, Green finches, Jay. European Jay's head is rather round and pointy with long hair. Wing has beautiful blue stripped patterns. Blue tits are popular bird here but this was my first time to have a clear image.
     I feel sorry I could not take this beautiful bird's photo and should copy from web site...

Also Green finch, that is not green color, more like yellowish, especially the last parts of wing are bright yellow!
The lake was not completely frozen, so bunch of mallards were enjoying to play or picking their lunch. Even Suvi pointed a couple was busy to making baby! We saw an Eurasian Teal, small dabbling ducks among the group of Mallards. It has nice blue color lane in the teal.
Then we saw a Goshawk flying over to the lake. Suvi was so excited. She said it made her to come today. It was a really large hawk with white color, so sometime people say white tail hawk, that reminded me red tail hawk I used to see in southern California. Now the birding season starts, so I will be busy again.

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